The Price of $COKE Up! (Axie Infinity Art Contest)

4 min readOct 19, 2020
Origin Axie #2646, Cocaine Cowboy ($COKE)

In August 2020, we launched a creative campaign around Origin Axie #2646, also known as “Cocaine Cowboy” ($COKE). Its NFT was fractionalized into fungible $COKE shards through NIFTEX, and the entire NFT community was invited to create artworks and memes in return for $COKE.

$COKE trade data from NIFTEX Exchange (left), “Dude where’s my $COKE?!” by Moxarra (right)

The results exceeded all expectations, as outlined in this article, “The Story of cloudwhite and $COKE.” Cocaine Cowboy has since found itself in dozens of pieces of crypto art, and reached an evaluation as high as 31.63 $ETH ($12,272.44) on the NIFTEX exchange.

Coke on Blue” by Nuu (left), “Beauchene Axie #2646” by cryptogames3 (right)

Today, we’re excited to announce our next Cocaine Cowboy ($COKE) crypto art contest! Your Cocaine Cowboy ($COKE) crypto art must meet the following criteria:

  • Create a work of artwork that features Cocaine Cowboy, $COKE. Cocaine Cowboy can be incorporated in the literal sense or simply used as a theme/inspiration. Be creative. Push boundaries. Cocaine Cowboy model positions/expressions can be found here (Get Axie Image “2646”).
  • Must be minted on Rarible, SuperRare, KnownOrigin, MakersPlace, Async, or InfiNFT before the 10/31, 11:59pm (CST) deadline.
  • The description/properties fields must include: Cocaine Cowboy, $COKE, Axie Infinity Fan Art,,,,

*Please note, the artists will retain ownership of their work and are free to sell at their own discretion. Please make sure you follow the latest Axie Infinity art minting policies here.


Cocaine Cowboy ($COKE) Plushie” by milky cookies

Introducing The $COKE Estate (+C△🗯) & Cocaine Cowboy ($COKE) Plushie! The $COKE Estate is a 2x2 collection of land in the Savannah’s of Lunacia. This land will be dedicated to the promotion and culture of $COKE, future art gallery showings, and much more. Holders of the exclusive Cocaine Cowboy ($COKE) Plushie will be eligible to earn passive rewards collected on the estate. Information, as outlined by the Axie Infinity team, is in these articles here, and here.

1st Place — 100 $COKE, 15,000 $CLOUDT, x1 Cocaine Cowboy ($COKE) Plushie.

2nd Place — 100 $COKE, 10,000 $CLOUDT.

3rd Place — 50 $COKE, 5,000 $CLOUDT.

4th-100th Place — 500 $COKE divided.

In total, there will be 750 $COKE shards, and 30,000 $CLOUDT, up for grabs. The first 100 artists to participates will earn $COKE. If less that 100 artists participate the 500 $COKE shards will be divided amongst the participants. That’s right, you all have the chance to be a Cocaine Cowboy co-owner!

x1 Cocaine Cowboy ($COKE) Plushie will be awarded to the most significant piece minted for this contest. Who will judge what is “most significant?” There will be three judges; myself, cloudwhite, along with celebrity judges, Jihoz, Axie Infinity Growth Lead, and world famous artist, Pak.

Jihoz, Axie Infinity Growth Lead (left), “Red” by Pak (right)

In addition, x1 Cocaine Cowboy ($COKE) Plushie will be put up for auction. This $COKE art contest is sponsored by The tiny Crypto Art Gallery. Proceeds from the auction will go toward maintaining The $COKE Estate, and building The tiny Crypto Art Gallery in Decentraland. Start your bidding on Opensea here, or buy it now for 20 $ETH! The auction will end in tandem with the art contest, 10/31, 11:59pm (CST). Highest bid wins (2 $ETH reserve).

Crypto artists interested in gifting works to the gallery can send to this address: 0xf41589c9d0eF20f354155cbf586ab5ba419F12fa

In short, make art, earn $COKE! 👀

$COKE trades on the NIFTEX exchange so pick up a piece, or help provide liquidity if you already have tokens and earn 0.3% on each $COKE trade! Get in touch with NIFTEX on Twitter or Discord if you’re interested in NFT fractions and want to pioneer new applications! The future…is fractional! 🧩

$CLOUDT trades on Uniswap Protocol here, or help provide liquidity here. ☁️

