“The Price of $COKE Up” Winners! (Axie Infinity Art Contest)

4 min readNov 13, 2020
Cocaine Cowboy ($COKE) Plushie” by milky cookies

In August 2020, we launched a creative campaign around Origin Axie #2646, also known as “Cocaine Cowboy” ($COKE). Its NFT was fractionalized into fungible $COKE shards through the NIFTEX platform, and the entire NFT community was invited to create artworks and memes in return for $COKE. Catch up on “The Story of cloudwhite and $COKE.”

The price of $COKE, and culture that drives it, has been exciting to watch. On October 27th, 2020, $COKE reached an all-time high evaluation of $228,800.00 (USD) on CoinGecko. With every trade we continue to prove that value can be created through culture. For more on cloudwhite and the culture of $COKE be sure to check out the Axie Infinity “Player Spotlight: cloudwhite.”

In October 2020, we launched a new $COKE crypto art contest, “The Price of $COKE Up!” We raised the stakes, putting up 750 $COKE shards, 30,000 $CLOUDT, and x1 Cocaine Cowboy ($COKE) Plushie, totaling over $3,000.00 (USD) in prizes! The contest ended on 10/31/20, with over two dozen submissions, ushering in the newest round of Cocaine Cowboy co-owners.

The Price of $COKE Up!” art contest promotional video.

All prizes have now be distributed to the contest participants. We highly encourage everyone to consider adding their $COKE shards to the Uniswap liquidity pool. Without further ado, here are the winners of “The Price of $COKE Up” crypto art contest…

1ST PLACE — “$COKE on Pink” by Nuu. 100 $COKE, 15,000 $CLOUDT, x1 Cocaine Cowboy ($COKE) Plushie.

$COKE on Pink” by Nuu

2ND PLACE — “AVOCADO $COKE” & “AVOCADO $COKE PROCESS” by Creadoorm. 100 $COKE, 10,000 $CLOUDT.

AVOCADO $COKE” by Creadoorm

3RD PLACE — “Sharding $COKE” by AzacielXD. 50 $COKE, 5,000 $CLOUDT.

Sharding $COKE” by AzacielXD

4TH-10TH PLACE (RUNNER-UPS). 27.5 $COKE/each

x1 Cocaine Cowboy ($COKE) Plushie was put up for auction, but received no bids. Proceeds from this auction were meant to go toward maintaining The $COKE Estate, and building The tiny Crypto Art Gallery in Decentraland. The reserve on the auction was set at 2 ETH, but we’ll leave the buy it now price at 20 $ETH on Opensea here. Crypto artists interested in gifting works to the gallery can send to this address: 0xf41589c9d0eF20f354155cbf586ab5ba419F12fa

We would like to thank all the artists that participated in the art contest, as well as our three judges; cloudwhite, along with celebrity judges, Jihoz, Axie Infinity Growth Lead, and world famous artist, Pak.

Until next time, remember, make art, earn $COKE! 👀

Origin Axie #2646, Cocaine Cowboy ($COKE)

$COKE trades on the NIFTEX exchange so pick up a piece, or help provide liquidity if you already have tokens and earn 0.3% on each $COKE trade! Get in touch with NIFTEX on Twitter or Discord if you’re interested in NFT fractions and want to pioneer new applications! The future…is fractional! 🧩

$CLOUDT trades on Uniswap Protocol here, or help provide liquidity here. ☁️

Join the Axie Infinity Discord here.

